In the Sacred Valley all your senses will enjoy all the art you can find in the Sacred Valley, the art expressed in architecture, music, food, and all the festivities that are mixed in the Sacred Valley of the Incas

Sacred Valley

Sacred Valley

Ladies with flames through the streets empedradasde Cusco, Cusco peasants dressed in their colorful ponchos, especially at parties by June where parties often visit Cusco city

The past is ever present. Massive ruins draw tourists in daily droves. Intrepid explorers carve their way through the jungle to genuine lost cities. Colonial churches filled with in- comprehensible riches slowly crumble in the drowsy plazas of towns too small to warrant a bus stop. Climb any hill in the Sacred Valley and you’ll stumble on piles of rocks – forgotten by all but the locals– that invite you to dream up your own stories.

Cuzco’s human history is Peru’s biggest tourism drawcard, but there’s more on offer. Locals and visitors alike are waking up to the adventure-sport possibilities of a region perched on the eastern edge of the Andes, where you can drop from breathtaking snowy altitudes to the suffocating heat of the Amazon jungle at dizzying speed. While Cuzco’s trekking opportuni- ties are already well known, its biking and river routes are now gaining the recognition they deserve. There are extreme sportspeople who have been to Cuzco more than once and never visited Machu Picchu: they’re too busy biking, hiking, running rivers and climbing. It’s true.

