The local manifestation of a common tourist-town phenomenon, the brichero is a parasite on the gringa (female foreigner). He seduces her as quickly and directly as possible and then shamelessly eats, lives and travels off her for as long as she allows. (We say ‘he’ and ‘her’, but they’re not all men: there are also female bricheras out there hunting men, and gay male Peruvians targeting gay gringos.)

Yes, to put it bluntly, bricheros are pretty much prostitutes. If you know this, and still choose to go there, fine – we’re all consenting adults, and casual sex while traveling is nothing new. Just don’t take the mushy stuff too seriously. In Latin cultures it’s common to talk of love far more than in Western cultures; the brichero doesn’t really expect you to believe his high-flown sentiments, and may genuinely not understand why you get upset when you find out he has two other gringa girlfriends, not to mention a Peruvian wife and kids.

Here are some common identifying features:

  • he talks about the mysterious energía (energy) of the apus (mountain gods) and his Inca ancestor
  • he tries to sell you drugs
  • he tries to kiss you within half an hour of meeting you
  • he buys you a drink within five minutes, then never again spends a cent in your presence
  • he works as a musician or jewelry maker

Please don’t think that everyone who meets this description, or any man who shows an interest in you, is necessarily trying to make off with your life savings. Just remember, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
